Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Visit Back West!!!!

I'm back in Colorado Springs!!!!  A flight with two delightful seatmates, a newly graduated med student and Gunther, call him Gunnie, fertilizer salesman made the 2.5 hours pass quickly.  What amazed me was as we hit turbulence and I slunk down determined to remain somewhat calm, they kept the conversation going....I am continually blessed in those situations....seeing as I absolutely hate flying and all!

It has been amazing to catch up with friends and people who made the journey of Colorado so deeply ingrained in my DNA.  These people of the Springs are so very close to my heart and I may not have the ability to stay in regular contact with all of them, but it feels so easy to settle back in, to pull friends together.

The only downside of this trip is that what began as minor ear pain early in the week grew to only slightly bearable on Friday which led to a visit to a local ER (something that I never had the opportunity to do in my last stay here).  We deemed it the result of allergies and 50 bucks in meds later at the local walgreens and I was armed for battle.

I quickly lost the battle waking up with severe ear and jaw pain Saturday, but stayed determined to ride it out.  Even in a house of girls, I did my best to not talk and to distract myself with movies and reading.  By Saturday night, eating out with a few friends, it was hard to physically remain still and endure.  So another visit to the ER, this time finding the culprit to be some sort of infection, although hard to pinpoint exactly what is going on.

The plans have altered a lot.  With antibiotics and pain meds, I alternate between blissful exhaustion and excruciating, make you want to cry pain.... I do prefer the bliss.  I had hoped to church hop a bit today, to see more people, and to be in worship....I settled for watching New Life online....ironic since I am but a few mere miles away.

More friends to see tonight and a wedding tomorrow.  Even though this trip will probably go down in the stories as that crazy time I collected bracelets from the ER and stayed doped up on painkillers, I am thankful for time and space away, to remember the things Colorado awakened in me and to remember that Colorado is my second home.  Sweet.

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